Japan TeamOncology Program とは
What is the Japan teamoncology Program?
J-TOP is a program for healthcare professionals involved in cancer care in Japan and Asia, and is based on MD Anderson Cancer Center's advanced and systematic multidisciplinary approach to cancer care. J-TOP aims to promote multidisciplinary cancer care (teamoncology) and help patients become key participants in multidisciplinary care.
J-TOPの活動内容J-TOP Activities
チーム医療ワークショップTeam Oncology Workshop
Good multidisciplinary care cannot be provided merely by the participation of multiple professions. Individual development, including communication skills, is necessary, and JTOP's workshops provide opportunities to learn about communication skills, career development, leadership, and more.
![JME (Japan Medical Exchange)](/application/themes/teamoncology/images/top_about_jtop_2.png)
JME (Japan Medical Exchange)
MDアンダーソンがんセンターへの短期留学プログラムです。 現場でチーム医療を知ることで ワークショップの学びをさらに深め、医療人、リーダーとしての資質を養います。
This program is a short-term study abroad program at MD Anderson Cancer Center. By learning about team medicine in the field, participants will deepen their workshop learning and develop their qualities as medical professionals and leaders.
オンライン掲示板Online Bulletin Board
We operate an online bulletin board to support patients and their families in sharing their experiences and communicating more smoothly with medical professionals.
![プロジェクトECHO ONE](/application/themes/teamoncology/images/top_about_jtop_4.png)
プロジェクトECHO ONEProject ECHO ONE
This online learning program aims to improve treatment content by connecting local medical professionals and specialists through information sharing "tips" beyond guidelines and programs to prevent burnout.
What's New
掲示板 新着テーマ