Japan TeamOncology Program (J-TOP) Mentor
- キャリアでの成功を目指し、EBMの推進に努力、他の人をインスパイアし、影響力を与えることができる
- J-TOPに所属していることにプライドをもち、その未来をいつも思索している
- メンターとして、「EBM、リーダーシップ、コミュニケーション」の推進にコミットする
- メンターとしてがん医療従事者のロールモデルになることを心がける
J-TOP Mentor:
“A leader (core staff) in the field of clinical practice, education and research on cancer who commits himself/herself to cultivating member resources of the Japan Team Oncology Program (J-TOP)” and who:
- Seeks success in his/her career, strives to promote evidence-based medicine (EBM), inspires others and can confer influential power.
- Makes a commitment to be a member of J-TOP and always considers the organization’s future.
- Commits to the promotion of “EBM, leadership and communication” as a mentor.
- Functions as a mentor and a role model for cancer treatment professionals.
US Mentors

Nicholas Szewczyk, APRN, MSN, ANP-C
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Department of Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Houston, Texas

Joyce L Neumann PhD, APRN, AOCN, BMTCN
Program Director, SCTCT/SCTCT APRN Manager
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
The sharing of oncology knowledge and experience by experts in US and Asian countries has greatly improved the science and quality of care for patients across the globe.

Theresa Johnson-Foreman, MSN, RN
Clinical Administrative Director,
Sarcoma Center
I have spent over 20 years working in an academic medical center where team is what it is all about. The mutual respect for all team members and their input is paramount.
As a leader of over 12 years, one of the most important roles I play is creating a work culture where everyone has a voice and safety is our number one priority.

Ashley Martinez, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, CBCN, CPHQ
Supervisor, Advanced Practice Providers
Breast Medical Oncology
Thus, it is my passion to advance and elevate patient care through leadership, communication skills,
and individual empowerment to cultivate a model focusing on a team based approach.

Jeffrey C. Bryan, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Leukemia
J-TOP emphasizes the importance of building effective multidisciplinary teams necessary for the safe delivery of the most effective up-to-date therapies.

Neelam K. Patel, PharmD, BCOP
Clinical Pharmacist Specialist
Breast Medical Oncology and Endocrine Neoplasia
I am fortunate to be a part of this program, and I hope the mission and purpose of this workshop resonates with all its participants.

Brandon Shank, PharmD, MPH, BCOP
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
The J-TOP program provides a collaborative environment for health care team members to grow and function as an effective team to implement clinical programs that enhance the care that we provide our patients.

Melvin J. Rivera, PharmD, BCOP
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
Thoracic, Head and Neck Medical Oncology
Throughout my 13 years at MD Anderson, I have been fortunate to work in a clinical environment that is a model for patient- centered multidisciplinary care.
I look forward to sharing my experiences in the hopes that health care providers of various disciplines can find ways to bridge gaps and ultimately achieve the mission of the JTOP program.

Hillary A. Prescott, PharmD
Manager, Clinical Pharmacy Services
PGY2 Oncology Pharmacy Residency Director
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Lymphoma
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Boston, MA
Serving as a Chair and Mentor for JTOP over the past 15 years has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my career
– JTOP allows one to learn from peers, mentor others, receive mentorship, and meet lifelong friends and colleagues.
Together, I believe the JTOP team has improved the lives of cancer patients in the U.S. and Asia.
- JTOPは、仲間から学び、指導し、指導を受け、生涯の友人や同僚と出会うことができます。

Richard L. Theriault, DO, MBA, FACP
Professor of Medicine (Retired)
Department of Breast Medical Oncology
Self - knowledge is essential for success in any career but is especially important in the personal interactions which occur daily with colleagues and Patients. Maintaining a healthy personal, family and professional life, is essential for happiness for each of us!
The JTOP experience enables lifelong professional relationships and many new friends while providing international learning opportunities.
This Program is my favorite career development program.

Chantal Reyna, M.D., FACS
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Department of Surgical Oncology
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Janis Apted Yadiny,
Consultant and Executive Coach
The experience builds self-awareness and insight, and the interpersonal and team skills individuals will use throughout their careers.
It is an exciting and interactive experience!

下村 昭彦 Akihiko Shimomura, M.D., Ph.D.
腫瘍内科医 Medical Oncologist
国立研究開発法人国立国際医療研究センター 乳腺・腫瘍内科/臨床ゲノム科 National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Building a team is time-consuming. But it's so fulfilling and fun to work with a team for our patients! Let's have fun and learn how to build a team together.

佐治 重衡 Shigehira Saji, M.D., Ph.D.
腫瘍内科医 Medical Oncologist
福島県立医科大学 腫瘍内科学講座 Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
Regarding Team Oncology, No matter how many great doctor's lectures you hear, unfortunately, you won't know anything about it.
But if you attend J-TOP Workshop, you will definitely feel what your body and mind are missing.

清水 千佳子 Chikako Shimizu, M.D.,
腫瘍内科医 Medical Oncologist
国立国際医療研究センター乳腺腫瘍内科 National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Team oncology is to support the patient's "How do you live your life?". The Team medicine is not an "existing" thing, but a "creating" thing. Why don't you join us to think about and create a better cancer treatment through trial and error?

向原 徹 Toru Mukohara, M.D., DMedSci
腫瘍内科医 Medical Oncologist
国立がん研究センター東病院乳腺・腫瘍内科 National Cancer Center Hospital East
Medicine is getting more complicated, and now new types of team and leadership are required. J-TOP gives us tips to thrive in this era of complication.

杉山 直子 Naoko Sugiyama, M.D., Ph.D.,
腫瘍外科医 Surgical Oncologist
エグザクトサイエンス株式会社 Exact Sciences K.K.
What I have learned from JTOP is deeply connected to my career, life, and everything.
With my gratitude for the encouragement and support from all the tutors and mentors, I would like to keep serving the society with my passion.

坂東 裕子 Hiroko Bando, M.D., Ph.D.
腫瘍外科医 Surgical Oncologist
筑波大学大学院 乳腺甲状腺内分泌外科 University of Tsukuba
The phrase "医は仁術なり” means “Medicine is a humanistic art", and is widely known as an instruction on the path of the medical profession. Let's all work together as a team-oncology with your humanity.

小島 康幸 Yasuyuki Kojima, M.D., Ph.D.
腫瘍外科医 Surgical Oncologist
聖マリアンナ医科大学 乳腺内分泌外科 St. Marianna University School of Medicine
Even in the field of oncology, the ideal leader and the type of team required are changing. TeamOncology, the foundation of our concept, is worth experiencing.

三浦 裕司 Yuji Miura,M.D.
腫瘍内科医 Medical Oncologist
虎の門病院 Toranomon Hospital
Learning is the master skill of leadership.

古川 孝広 Takahiro Kogawa, M.D, Ph.D.
腫瘍内科医 Medical Oncologist
公益財団法人がん研究会有明病院 Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
We perform experimental therapeutics to develop noble agent for cancer patients, and contribute multidisciplinary cancer treatment.

守田 亮 Ryo Morita, M.D., Ph.D.
腫瘍内科医 Medical Oncologist
秋田厚生医療センター 呼吸器内科 Akita Kousei Medical Center Department of Respiratory Medicine
I believe that the best team oncology can be achieved when many professions are able to maximize their expertise and link well with each other.
Why don't we work together to create a medical environment where any patient, anywhere in Japan, can receive the best treatment?

陶山 久司 Hisashi Suyama, M.D., Ph.D.,
腫瘍内科医 Medical Oncologist
鳥取大学医学部附属病院 Tottori University Hospital
What I’m learning at J-TOP is broad and deep. I've spent several years learning communication skills because I want to better understand them. I'll try to keep growing as a person.

尾崎 由記範 Yukinori Ozaki, M.D.
腫瘍内科医 Medical Oncologist
がん研究会有明病院 Cancer Institute Hospital of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
I believe that all specialists involved in cancer treatment should have a deeper understanding of "leadership," "team medicine," and "communication" and put them into practice, so that patients can receive medical treatment with greater peace of mind. Please knock on the door of J-TOP.

吉井 由美 Yumi Yoshii, M.D.,PhD.
腫瘍内科医 Medical Oncologist
奈良県立医科大学附属病院 がんゲノム・腫瘍内科 Nara Medical University Department of Cancer Genomics and Medical Oncology
What exactly are team medicine and leadership?
You've read about it in books and on the Internet, but it just doesn't make sense to you.
Why don't you try to find your own answers together?
A picture is worth a thousand words. Now, please open the door of JTOP in front of you.
The world will surely expand!

井沢 知子 Tomoko Izawa, RN, CNS
がん看護専門看護師 Certified Nurse Specialist (CNS) in cancer nursing
京都大学大学院 医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻 Kyoto University
I have been a member of JTOP since 2005.
I am pursuing nursing in clinical settings and universities with a specialty in cancer nursing.
I have learned a lot in JTOP, met a lot of people, and my life has been enriched. I look forward to continuing to develop in the future.

田口 賀子 Yoshiko Taguchi, RN, MSN, CNS
がん看護専門看護師 Certified Nurse Specialist in Cancer Nursing
大阪府立成人病センター Osaka International Cancer Institute
I receive a lot of inspiration through the activities of Team Oncology. I would like to continue to network with various people, including medical professionals and patients, and to promote the professionalism and excellence of nursing.

苅谷 三月 Mitsuki Kariya, RN, CNS
がん看護専門看護師 Certified Nurse Specialist in Cancer Nursing
岐阜大学医学部附属病院 Gifu University Hospital
I learned at MDACC that the practice of team medicine involves clarity of individual career development and leadership from each of us. I look forward to meeting many more people in the future and learning together for better healthcare.

大内 紗也子 Sayako Ouchi, RN,MSM,CNS
がん看護専門看護師 Certified Nurse Specialist in Cancer Nursing
京都大学医学部附属病院 Kyoto University Hospital
I met J-TOP and what I got out of it is my asset!
This is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of team medicine and career development in my life. Would you all like to join us?

淺野 耕太 Kota Asano, RN,CNS
がん看護専門看護師 Certified Nurse Specialist in Cancer Nursing
京都第二赤十字病院 Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
I would like to support patients undergoing chemotherapy as a person living in the community by working together with multidisciplinary team to help them live their lives as a matter of course.

藤澤 陽子 Yoko Fujisawa,R.N., M.N.Sc.
がん看護専門看護師 CNS in Cancer Nursing
千葉大学医学部附属病院看護部 Chiba University Hospital
Think about how I and my team should to be for my team to perform at its highest level. I can rest my wings when I'm down and get a push when I'm ready to work hard. That's what J-TOP is to me.

山上 睦実 Mutsumi Yamagami, CNS
がん看護専門看護師 Certified Nurse Specialist in Cancer Nursing
東京大学医学部附属病院 The University of Tokyo Hospital
"Open the door and step forward if only a little. Have a big heart and help others. Connect and share with your friends to overcome difficulties. I learned a lot of things in J-TOP. We want more people to know this organization and feel the same way as we do, and that's why we're doing this."

入江 佳子 Yoshiko Irie, RN, MSN, OCNS, CN(PC)
がん看護専門看護師 Oncology Certified Nurse Specialist
虎の門病院 Toranomon Hospital
I keep on contribute to oncology team in order to provide high quality cancer treatment and care for patients and their families, through to learn scientific leadership and communication, and to consider my career and role as a nurse.

大里 洋一 Yoichi Osato, Ph.D, JOP
がん専門薬剤師 Oncology Pharmacist
国立がん研究センター中央病院 National Cancer Center Hospital
I'm basically a pharmacist, but who have MBA and MBTI aspects of view. I believe future oncologist should have many type of skills. I can provide you what I have learned.

橋本 浩伸 Hironobu Hashimoto, JOP
がん専門薬剤師 Oncology Pharmacist
国立がんセンター中央病院 薬剤部 National Cancer Center Hospital
My mission is to reduce the side effects and pain of many patients through research on supportive care.

飯原 大稔 Hirotoshi Iihara, Ph.D, JOP
がん専門薬剤師 Oncology Pharmacist
岐阜大学医学部附属病院 Gifu University Hospital
I believe we will create a world premier oncology support system in Japan that is based on best multidisciplinary care, science, and education.

藤田 行代志 Yukiyoshi Fujita, Ph.D, JOP
がん専門薬剤師 Oncology Pharmacist
群馬県立がんセンター 薬剤部 Gunma Prefectural Cancer Center
Multidisciplinary care is not easy to practice and is cumbersome, requiring a lot of time and concern.
But I believe it will surely bring better healthcare to patients and motivate the medical staff as well.

松本 奈都美 Natsumi Matsumoto
薬剤師 Pharmacist
昭和大学 Showa University
I value a lot of wonderful encounters, deepen my learning together with you, and seek what I can do to contributing to medical care.

土屋 雅美 Masami Tsuchiya, PhD, JOP
がん専門薬剤師・がん指導薬剤師 Oncology Pharmacist
慶應義塾大学薬学部 医薬品情報学講座 Division of Drug Informatics, Keio University Faculty of Pharmacy
I believe that once you have a clear idea of your mission, vision, and core values, you will naturally be able to see the direction you should take. I believe that doing what I can do as a pharmacist with responsibility, not only for the patients but also for the people I work with, will lead to the provision of good medical care.
International mentors

Keisuke Shirai, M.D., MSCR
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (USA)
Initially, I was afraid of cultural differences but now I can find more similarities among humanity than differences.
I seek to bring hope and peace for cancer management and recognize that optimal care for cancer requires a multidisciplinary approach respecting patients’ values and beliefs.
「"mututal respect" チームの中でおたがい尊敬しながら、日々を過ごせればパフォーマンスも自然に上がると信じています。いいことも、きっついこともありますが、きげんよくぼちぼちやっていきましょう。」

Warren Bacorro, M.D., DPBRO, FPCR
University of Santo Tomas Hospital (Philippine)
It could be difficult, but always easier when working as a team, with the patient and family at the heart of the process.
オンコロジーチームは、質が高く、エビデンスに基づいた、集学的、全人的、 個別化、患者中心の癌の管理とケアを提供するために努力する必要があります。これは言い換えると、理想的なものとエビデンスに裏付けられたもの、患者の財力や労力とその地域の専門家や施設で可能なこと、患者が望むことの間で、最適な妥協点を見つけることを意味しています。困難なことかもしれませんが、患者や家族をプロセスの中心に置いて、チームで協力すればきっともっとうまくいくでしょう。
私は認定看護師として、治療による全身的な副作用により細心の注意が必要な腫瘍内科の患者さんに最高の質の高いケアを提供するためには、高機能のチームが重要であると理解しています。 そのためには、最適なケアを迅速かつ効率的に提供するために、お互いを信頼し、より良いコミュニケーションをとるチームメンバーが必要です。 私は、J-TOPを通じてこのコンセプトを広め、世界中の患者さんのケアの向上に貢献できることを誇りに思っています。