62nd ECHO ONE Clinic
Date and Time: June 27th, 2024, 9 p.m. in Japan, 8 p.m. in Taiwan and the Philippines, 7 p.m. in Thailand and Vietnam, and 7 a.m. in Houston Theme: Her2Neu Low Breast Cancer
開催日時: 2024年6月27日(木) 日本時間21:00~ テーマ: Her2低発現乳がん
61st ECHO ONE Clinic
Date and Time: June 6th, 2024, 8 p.m. in Japan, 7 p.m. in Taiwan and the Philippines, 6 p.m. in Vietnam, and 6 a.m. in Houston Theme: Whole person care
開催日時: 2024年6月6日(木) 日本時間20時~ テーマ: 全人的ケア
60th ECHO ONE Clinic
Date and Time: May 22nd, 2024, 9 p.m. in Japan, 8 p.m. in Taiwan and the Philippines, 7 p.m. in Vietnam, and 7 a.m. in Houston Theme: Ethical Dilemmas in Cancer Care
開催日時: 2024年5月22日(水) 日本時間21時~ テーマ: がんケアにおける倫理的ジレンマ
59th ECHO ONE Clinic
Date and Time: April 24th, 2024, 9 p.m. in Japan, 8 p.m. in Taiwan and the Philippines, 7 p.m. in Vietnam, and 7 a.m. in Houston Theme: Development of minimal residual disease (MRD) detecition in breast cancer
開催日時: 2024年4月24日(水) 日本時間21時~ テーマ: 乳がんにおける微小残存病変(MRD)検出の研究開発
58th ECHO ONE Clinic
Date and Time: March 14th, 2024, 9 p.m. in Japan, 8 p.m. in Taiwan and the Philippines, 7 p.m. in Vietnam, and 7 a.m. in Houston Theme: SICP - Serious Illness Conversation Program
開催日時: 2024年3月14日(木) 日本時間21時~ テーマ: SICP - Serious Illness Conversation Program (倫理的課題を含む事例への対応)
57th ECHO ONE Clinic
Date and Time: March 4th, 2024, 10 p.m. in Japan, 9 p.m. in Taiwan and the Philippines, 8 p.m. in Vietnam, and 7 a.m. in Houston Theme: Cancer Rehabilitation
開催日時: 2024年3月4日(月) 日本時間22時~ テーマ: がんのリハビリテーション
55th ECHO ONE Clinic
Date and Time: December 14th, 2023, 7 p.m. in Japan, 6 p.m. in Taiwan and the Philippines, 5 p.m. in Vietnam, and 4 a.m. in Houston Theme: Dealing with patients to whom healthcare providers are annoyed about whether to avoid chemotherapies
開催日時:12月14日(木) 19時~(日本時間) テーマ:抗がん剤治療の実施を迷う時 -みなさんはどうしていますか?-
54th ECHO ONE Clinic
Date and Time: November 29th, 2023, 9 p.m. in Japan, 8 p.m. in Taiwan and the Philippines, 7 p.m. in Vietnam, and 6 a.m. in Houston Theme: The role of CDK 4/6 inhibitors plus endocrine therapy in metastatic breast cancer patients with visceral crisis
開催日時:11月29日(水) 21時~(日本時間) テーマ:内臓危機を伴う転移性乳癌患者におけるCDK 4/6阻害剤と内分泌療法の役割
53rd ECHO ONE Clinic
Date and Time: October 25th, 2023, 9 p.m. in Japan, 8 p.m. in Taiwan and the Philippines, 7 p.m. in Vietnam, and 7 a.m. in Houston Theme: The role of Medical Social Workers
開催日時:10月25日(水) 21時~(日本時間) テーマ:医療ソーシャルワーカーの役割
52nd ECHO ONE Clinic
Date: September 28th, 2023, 7 p.m. in Japan, 6 p.m. in Taiwan and the Philippines, 5 p.m. in Vietnam, and 5 a.m. in Houston Theme: Management of rare and severe immune related Adverse event Language: Japanese (English subtitles available via AI)
開催日時:9月28日(木) 19時~(日本時間) テーマ:希少で重篤な免疫関連副作用の管理 言語:日本語 (AIによる英語字幕が表示可能です)