

Essay: Road to TeamOncology


My Experience With Team Building Concepts

Nicholas Szewczyk, RN, MSN, NP-C

Advanced Practice Nurse 上級実践看護師

The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center


As any oncology healthcare provider will tell you, excellent patient care requires a highly functional team dedicated to manage the complexities of each patient’s treatment plan as well as guiding the patient through a complex medical system that is often intimidating to patients and their families. Despite the critical importance of building effective teams for patient care, this is not a concept that is made immediately known not only to nurses, but many other healthcare related disciplines in general. Though many academic programs may offer courses or seminars on team building concepts, acquiring knowledge and practice of forming an effective team for patient care is usually acquired with career experience, typically from participating on both a high performing team, as well as a more dysfunctional one.

私は幸運にも2008年に看護師メンターとしてJ-TOPに参加するよう依頼をいただき、その年の11月に札幌で行われたJ-TOPのワークショップ(The 2nd TeamOncology Workshop)に初めて参加しました。このワークショップにおいて私は、熱心な医師、薬剤師、看護師のグループのメンターとしてのすばらしい機会を得ました。彼らは、がんの集学的ケアやチームビルディングについて学ぶだけでなく、週末に渡るグループワークで「包括的オンコロジープログラム(患者中心のがん医療プログラム)」を作成し、発表しました。私のキャリアは、このワークショップに参加して以来、変革し続けています。私は、集学的チームでの患者ケアにおける役割を果たしながら、看護およびリハビリの研究において多くの効果的なチームに参加したり、業務の流れを良くするために我々の部署においてケアの標準化を行う際に他の医療者と協同したり、患者教育のための教材を作成したり、また直近では、総合電子カルテの導入のトレーニングを支援したりしています。チームビルディングの概念を学び実践することは、私の看護のキャリアを成功に導く大きな要因となっています。

I was lucky enough to be asked to join JTOP as a nursing mentor in 2008, and I attended my first JTOP meeting in Sapporo that November. During this time, I had the great fortune of mentoring a passionate group of physicians, pharmacists, and nurses who not only came to learn about multidisciplinary care and team building, but were able to create and present a comprehensive oncologic program over the course of a weekend. My career was forever changed since that time, as I have been part of many effective teams in research with nursing and rehabilitation, worked with other healthcare providers in our department in developing standards of care for our workflow, creating educational materials for our patients, and most recently helping to train our department in learning our new comprehensive electronic medical record, while continuing my role in patient care within a multidiscipline team. Learning and practicing these concepts in team building was a major contributing factor in my successes in my nursing career.


With each JTOP workshop, we continue to face new challenges, from changes in healthcare, pressures affecting our careers, and in planning this international conference. I continued to have a renewed sense of inspiration and confidence from working with the incredible team of mentors and tutors in JTOP; each of whom help to maintain, grow and evolve this program. I know in speaking with each year’s participants from Japan and across Asia, that we all have many similarities in the problems we face in caring for our patients, as we continue to pursue our career goals and keep a balance in our work and personal life. The skills and knowledge from the team building exercises in this program have had a positive effect on all of the members of JTOP, and our hope is continue to build relationships within this program in order to continue to improve oncology care.

(2016年 8月執筆、日本語監修:藤原紀子)

ちょこっと写真、ちょこっとコメントMy interest at a glance:


These days, one of my biggest struggles is finding a work-life balance, as my wife and I both have busy work lives, along with my daughter's education and extracurricular actives. Days off sometimes can feel more like a list of chores and errands, and it is difficult to find quality time together. Therefore, my family is very passionate about traveling together, allowing us to spend a more relaxed time together. Most of the time, our travels take us around the United States to see our extended family and friends, who live across the country including Southern California, small farming towns outside of Chicago, New York City area, and other areas in Texas including San Antonio and Dallas. Additionally, we do try and take a longer family vacation at least once a year. This summer, my family and I traveled along the Puget Sound coastline of Washington state and through British Columbia. We spent time between Seattle and Vancouver, escaping the Texas heat and exploring the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest.

(2016年 8月執筆)
