

Essay: Road to TeamOncology


Team building in TeamOncology

Hillary A. Prescott, PharmD

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist 臨床薬剤師

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute ダナ・ファーバー癌研究所

「チームオンコロジー」を考えたとき、「人生の教訓」、「チームワーク」、「献身」、「友情」という言葉がまず浮かびます。チームオンコロジーの一員になることで私のキャリアが始まり、充実したものになりました。そして、私の人生のあらゆる面に影響を及ぼしています。それは、年に一回のワークショップやJME(Japanese Medical Exchange Program「MDアンダーソンへの留学研修プログラム」)期間中に実践すること以上のものがあります。J-TOPは世の中に対する見方を教えてくれます。

When I think of TeamOncology, Life lessons, teamwork, dedication and friendship are just some of the words that come to mind. My involvement with TeamOncology has shaped and enriched my career, while also influencing other areas of my life. It’s far more than something practiced once a year at the workshop or during JME; it’s a way of viewing the world.

私は、キャリアの早い段階から、J-TOP(Japan TeamOncology Program)に参加することができました。2007年にはメンターとして、それ以降はワークショップの議長として活動しました。ここで習得したスキルは、私が日常的に遭遇する業務のあらゆる面に生かされています。例えば、心のこもった、エビデンスに基づく多職種チーム医療を患者さんやその家族へ提供すること、新人薬剤師の育成、批判的思考や自己認識をもつこと、全ての業務においてもっと自信を持ってリーダーシップを発揮すること、そして、私自身や同僚の仕事を向上させるために確かなチームビルディングスキルを使うことなどです。今では日々の仕事やキャリアだけでなく、私生活においても、何らかの困難に直面した時にはチームオンコロジーの活動を通して学んだ教訓をよく思い出しています。

I had the advantage of first participating in JTOP early in my career, initially as a mentor, in 2007, and later as a workshop co-chair. The skills I’ve acquired have been applied to all aspects of my work including providing compassionate, evidence-based multidisciplinary care for patients and their families; mentoring new pharmacists; thinking critically; having self-awareness; being more confident taking on leadership roles in all areas of my practice; and using proven team building skills to enhance my own work and that of my colleagues. Now, when faced with any kind of problem-whether in daily work, my career, or my personal life-I frequently think of the lessons I’ve learned throughout my years with the TeamOncology team.


There have been many times, for example, when I’ve gone back to the early days of learning how to critically analyze a problem within a team, actively listen to others, voice my opinion, and work collaboratively for the greater good. In both the workshops and JME, I’ve watched my Japanese colleagues tackle obstacles through the safety net of a strong group that might otherwise be daunting for individuals-especially with language and cultural differences-redefining what perseverance, professionalism and teamwork mean to me. Participating on various JTOP teams has reinforced to me the importance of defining mission and vision, career development and continued self-assessment in order to achieve both team goals and personal goals.



These are just some of the many experiences that have made my involvement over the past ten years as a member of the TeamOncology program rich and rewarding. TeamOncology has shaped my practice professionally - giving me a framework within which to understand the collaborative nature of optimal cancer care, and helping me use that framework to teach and lead in clinical pharmacy, now and into the future.

I am forever thankful for the opportunities to participate as a member of as well as to lead teams within the JTOP community, and for the lifelong friendships made over the years.

(2016年 7月執筆、日本語監修:横田真理)

ちょこっと写真、ちょこっとコメントMy interest at a glance:


One of my favorite things about living in Boston is the Charles River - specifically the recreational activities it provides. Since I moved here from Houston, I have discovered the simple pleasure of jogging along the river, joining group yoga in the park, walking the Esplanade, and kayaking from Cambridge to Boston. Kayaking provides me with a quiet space while surrounded by the livelihood of the city. It makes for a perfect few hours either after work or on weekend mornings. I always enjoy sharing this hobby with visiting friends and family and showing the Boston skyline from a kayak on the Charles. Let’s go kayaking along the Esplanade next time you come to Boston!

(2016年 7月執筆)
