Essay: Road to TeamOncology
Richard L. Theriault, DO, MBA, DSc (Hon.)
Medical Oncologist 腫瘍内科医
The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center
As I reflect on my TEAM Oncology experience many general thoughts come to mind. Change, evolution of care, collegiality and collaboration to name merely a few. More personal memories are based on relationships, friendships and a common purpose, to care for those suffering with cancer. I am reminded that each of us brings some special gift(s) to the patient with cancer and his/her family. Whether it is skillful application of science and technology or the kindness of hu-man touch of compassion, communication and active listening, we complement each other in our caring attitudes.
私が医師として乳がん治療に携わるようになってから、オンコロジー(腫瘍学)は大きく変わりました。(未来を見据えて)いくつか例を示します。1967年、Jensenによるエストロゲン受容体の解明以降、1970年代にはMilsteinとKohlerによりモノクローナル抗体産生技術が開発され、1980年代には、McGuireとOsborneによってエストロゲン受容体の予後予測因子としての臨床的有用性が提唱されました。1980年代の中ごろには、Early Breast Cancer Trialist’s Groupによって乳がんデータのメタ解析が行われ、1980年代にはHER2/neuの存在が明らかになり、その後乳がんの予後における重要性が研究され、HER2/neuに基づく生物療法が開発されました。1990年代には乳がんに対する遺伝的素因(BRCA 1とBRCA 2)の重要性が明らかになりました。乳房の画像診断や手術、放射線療法、内分泌療法薬を用いた化学予防、術後薬物療法の進歩により患者の生存期間が延長しました。これらはすべて、この40年の間に起きたことなのです。みなさんには、みなさんがキャリアを築きだしてから起きたサイエンスの変化、その中で自分が興味をもったことを振り返っていだきたいと思います。そして、それを私が乳がん用に作成したお気に入りリストに、書き加えてみてください。医学の科学的側面だけでなく、病気の人間的な側面も忘れないでください。
So much in oncology has changed during my career as a breast cancer physician. Here are just a few examples for perspective (in relation to your future).
The description in 1967 of the estrogen receptor by Jensen, monoclonal antibody technology pioneer by Milstein and Kohler in the 1970’s, the clinical utility of estrogen receptor as both a predictive and prognostic factor by McGuire and Osborne in the 1980’s, the development of Me-ta-analysis of breast cancer data by the Early Breast Cancer Trialist’s Group in the mid 1980’s, the description of HER2/neu in the 1980’s and the subsequent description of its significance in breast cancer prognosis, the development of biologic therapy based on HER2/neu, the descrip-tion and significance of genetic predisposition to breast cancer (BRCA 1 and BRCA 2) in the 1990’s, changes in breast diagnostic imaging, breast cancer surgery and radiation therapy, chemo-prevention with endocrine therapy, and improving individual patient survival with adjuvant therapies. Quite a list for a forty year time frame. I encourage you to consider those scientific changes that have occurred during your careers and of interest for your practice. Add your favorites that have occurred during your practice lifetime to the list I have made for breast can-cer. Remember the need for continuous learning of the science of medicine as well as the hu-man dimensions of illness.
The future will require cancer care specialists to be continuous learners, diligent students of the SCIENCE of cancer and diligent efforts to maintain clinical competence in cancer care. Prepare yourselves! Set aside time to learn and grow in your profession. Be the best that I know you wish to be. Then you will have the greatest impact on your patients. Become a role model for colleagues, trainees and students. Make yourself the person they wish to emulate. Remember that your influence will continue long after your practice career.
さて、変わらないものは何でしょう。人間です! 人は、自分にふりかかってきた個人的な苦痛から救われる道を探し続けます。そして、あなたの献身的な努力、人間的な思いやりと理解を期待します。あなたが示すべき優しさと思いやりを考えてみてください。そして、それらを患者や同僚に示してみてください。人を癒すために使うことのできる自分の特別な臨床的能力を大事にして、誇りに思いましょう。
Now, what will not change? Human beings! They will still seek relief from their personal suffer-ing. They will expect your best efforts to care for them selflessly and with the kindness of human touch and understanding. Think of the tenderness and compassion you have to share. Offer these to your patients and colleagues. Cherish the honor and privilege you have with these spe-cial clinical abilities to help heal. These few thoughts epitomize my TEAM Oncology experienc-es. Although Team Oncology alumni are separated by geography we are united in spirit of pur-pose. What joys, honors and obligations to the future of medicine are ours.
My professional career has changed course. I now serve as Medical Director for the MD Ander-son Physicians Network. I am a liaison for two of our Certified Member sites. We are working to encourage the MDAnderson method of multidisciplinary care in more communities in the US. Our focus is on evidence based, multidisciplinary care and the use of practice guideline to en-hance the quality of care in local communities throughout the US. These objectives are very similar to those of past TEAM Oncology efforts. It is a role I enjoy and which provides me career satisfaction. I continue to be active in Bioethics, teaching and providing advice and counsel to fellows and newer faculty. I enjoy reading philosophy, ethics and religion.
I exercise regularly and now have a trainer. I do cardio five times weekly and weight training twice weekly. Weight training is truly a new pursuit and thus far very difficult for me. I think may-be I should have begun at a younger age. My training has become a new avocation.
My wife and I are spending good time with our five grandchildren and are enjoying our lives well lived.