

Essay: Road to TeamOncology


What Is It To Be a Leader?

Janis A. Yadiny, MLS

Associate Vice President, Faculty Development, ファカルティ人材開発担当

The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center


There are over 177,000 books on leadership listed on Amazon today. That’s an amazing number. You immediately ask yourself why. Why so many books on leadership and how to become a leader.
The fact is there is a lack of effective leaders and it’s a global problem. If you read the leadership literature like I do, it is startling to hear various experts around the world say that we’re at a point of crisis. There just aren’t enough well-trained leaders.


Let’s consider some of the factors contributing to this crisis. Economies are growing with many emerging countries beginning to develop rather rapidly. Technological change is speeding things up and making more sophisticated and complex what used to be merely complicated. We have gone from industrialized economies to information economies in an incredibly short period of time. Everything seems to be interconnected making social, political, and economic issues less local and more global in impact. Think about medicine and science and how much just those two fields have changed in the last ten years.


Leaders are needed in every economic enterprise, at every level in all types of organizations, and in every area of the world.
This is an incredibly exciting, challenging and, sometimes, scary time. There is room for all of us to step up to becoming leaders right now wherever we work. 
That is what I love about J-TOP. It opens the doors for you to understand what it takes to become an effective leader and to learn some of the skills necessary for making that career journey successfully. 
I hope that we, J-TOP, motivate and inspire you because that’s what good leaders do.


So let’s review what some of those skills are that leadership development programs all around the world teach and that J-TOP exposes you to:


First, there is self-awareness. A leader is a learner. Each of us as individuals are the instruments of leadership. We need to learn about ourselves and know our values, be willing to identify our blind spots, and be prepared to change our attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. We need to be adaptable, flexible and nimble.


Second, leaders must be willing to speak up and share their opinions and expertise. Speaking up and being heard requires good communication skills. Speaking up requires confidence that one’s own perspective and experience are valuable.


Third, interpersonal skills are necessary so that you can have effective conversations and discussions, resolve conflict when it arises, and both give and receive feedback.


And fourth, motivational skills allow us as leaders to bring different people together and inspire them to want to struggle toward realizing a shared vision.
Vision and Mission ? YES, absolutely necessary.


We are in a time of revolution and WE are the revolutionaries. Let’s learn to be leaders together and make a difference in the world.

私は日本のJ-TOPの一員に加われて光栄に思っています。日本、そして、みなさんと仕事をすることが大好きです。毎年、リーダーシップについて新しいことを学び、それを発表するために何時間もかけて準備します。今、ソファに座ってリーダーシップについての本を読みながら4時間を費やしたところです。Linda Hillが書いた“Being the Boss”は素晴らしいです。退役将官であるStanley McChrystalが書いた“Team of Teams”には開眼されました。でも米国海軍特殊部隊Navy SEALとしての訓練を受けずに済んでよかった。到底やり遂げられなかったでしょうもの。 

I am honored to be one of the J-TOP team that goes to Japan. I love Japan and I love working with you. Every year, I learn new things and spend many hours getting ready to share what I’ve learned recently about leadership. I’m sitting on my couch right now having spent the last four hours reading leadership books like “Being the Boss” by Linda Hill (terrific) and “Team of Teams” by retired General Stanley McChrystal (eye-opening. Glad I didn’t train as a Navy SEAL. I would never have made it.) 
You see, learning never ends. Isn’t that wonderful?

(2016年 4月執筆)

ちょこっと写真、ちょこっとコメントMy interest at a glance:

What Is It To Be a Leader?ここはヒューストンにあるオペラハウスの外です。これからオペラを観るところですが、実は以前、このオペラの第1幕で眠ってしまったのです。オペラ自体は素晴らしかったのですが、1週間休日なしで仕事が続いた後なので疲れていたのです。






30歳の娘Zoeは、みなさんの中には会ったことのある方もいらっしゃいますね、もうすぐPhysician Assistant(医師を補助して医療行為を行う専門職)養成課程を修了します。今週、手術のローテンションが終わり、両方の外科医から一緒に仕事をするよう勧められました。素質があり、手と目をうまく協調させることができるとおっしゃってくださったのです。きっと産婦人科を選ぶと思いますよ。赤ん坊を取り上げるのが本当に好きでしたから。娘と夫のTomにも直に赤ん坊が生まれればと切に願っているのです。そうすれば、私もおばあちゃまになれるのですから。

Here I am outside the opera house in Houston. I am about to see an opera that put me to sleep in the first act. The opera was quite good ? I was just tired after a full week of work.

I am designing a transition in my life right now toward being an independent consultant and coach. My time in a salaried position will probably come to a close in a year or two. I hope that doesn’t mean I can’t be part of J-TOP.

When I’m not at work, I love to run (used to do half marathons and am now happy with 5-6 km), garden (I say that with humor as I have no garden right now. My husband, Majid and I, ripped the entire thing out so I could start again. There will be a new garden this summer).

My greatest pleasure when I’m not coaching people or talking to interesting friends or traveling is to read. You should see my library on leadership! Once I’m retired, I intend to read all these books and articles. Right now, I just have time to dip into them. I read widely and with great pleasure. As an introvert, reading is my joy. My mother and aunt both read a lot. In fact, my aunt died at age 97 and was still reading a book a day. Really, a book a day ? and good books!! She was a lifelong insomniac who never fell asleep before 4 a.m. so she spent every night reading. We loved to share books.

I cook. I used to cook wonderful gourmet meals for lots of friends. Now I just cook and occasionally invite people over. Majid is a good cook and I enjoy letting him do all the work.

I am taking French lessons again. Once, I was entirely fluent in French but living in the U.S. so long, I lost a lot of my ability in that language. My husband speaks 4 languages fluently. I need to catch up!

My 30 year old daughter, Zoe, whom some of you have met is just finishing her program to become a Physician Assistant. This week she completed her surgery rotation and both surgeons encouraged her to work with them. She has good instincts, they said, and good hand eye coordination. I think she’s going to choose OB/GYN. She really liked delivering babies. I really hope she and her husband, Tom, have their own baby soon so I can be a grandmother.

(2016年 4月執筆)